Fig (Ficus)

Figs Why plant

Easy to grow and generally problem free.

Succulent sun warmed fruit.

Beautiful architectural shape with big leaves.

Will happily grow in a container to be moved around the garden or plot.

Easy to propagate, so can produce cuttings for friends.

Interesting uses

Nothing more than cooking and giving health benefits, read more about both below.

Considered botanically the fig is a very remarkable and unique form of fruit since it never produces external flowers before fruiting. The flowers are produce inside the fig and never see light, yet come to full perfection and ripen their seeds.


The fig is mentioned frequently in the bible, fig leaves preserving the modesty of Adam and Eve. Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were suckled by a she wolf under a fig tree. In the original Olympic games winning athletes were crowned with fig wreaths and given figs to eat.

The common fig probably originated in southern Arabia and was distributed by man throughout the Mediterranean area. It’s been cultivated for thousands of years, remnants of figs having been found in excavations of Neolithic sites traced to at least 5,000 B.C.

Although it’s highly likely the Romans first brought figs to England, they were more recently introduced in the early 16th century.

Health benefits

Figs are a good source of potassium, which helps control blood pressure. The potassium content may also counteract the increased urinary calcium Figs nutrientsloss caused by the high-salt diets.

Also a good source of dietary fibre, this can have a positive effect on weight management.

In some parts of the world fig leaves are a common part of the diet and have been shown to have antidiabetic properties. The fruit is a good source of calcium which has many benefits, including promoting bone density.  Figs are also a good source of the trace mineral manganese.

Taken either fresh or dried, the fig is regarded as a dependable laxative because of its large cellulose content, tough skin and tiny seeds.


There are more than 700 types of fig trees throughout the world, but here are the varieties most suited to the UK.

  • Brown Turkey is the most common and dependable variety, with reddish brown sweet fruit ripening in late August
  • Brunswick ripens a few weeks earlier and the fruit is greenish yellow
  • White Marseilles ripens in September and has fruit coloured light green


Fig trees can grow to 10 metres (33 feet) but are easily pruned. Alternatively grow in a pot or surround the roots with bricks to restrict the roots and encourage more fruiting. Figs grow naturally in semi-desert conditions were there’s very little top soil and actually prefer a constricted root ball. If not constrained they’ll produce vigorous growth and less fruit. The plant’s home is in sunnier climes so plant in a sheltered spot in full sun. You can grow as a fan against a south facing wall.

If growing in a pot use a 45cm (18in) diameter pot of soil-based compost. Keep the top of the soil 7cm-10cm (3in-4in) below the rim of the pot to allow an annual spring top-up with compost as well as to aid watering and feeding.

If planting in the ground dig a hole 60cm by 60cm (2ft by 2ft) and 60cm (2ft) deep. Line the three open sides of the hole with bricks or concrete slabs and add 15cm (6in) of broken bricks or clean stone to the base of the hole for drainage. Fill with soil-based compost or sterilised topsoil with a layer of well-rotted farmyard manure or compost in the base and plant the fig at the same depth as previously grown.


If you have restricted the roots you’ll need to take care your tree is watered often.

Prune established trees in June, shortening all the side shoots back to five leaves from the main framework of branches, keeping the crown as open as possible. Be careful not to remove too much… fruit are born on the previous year’s wood.

In warmer climates the fig will produce two flushes of fruit, but if your climate is not Mediterranean remove any fruit larger than small pea size in September since they’re not going to mature. The remaining tiny embryo fruit towards the ends of the shoots will over-winter and ripen the following year.

You can also give the tree a tidy in in late spring, removing shoots and buds that are pointing inwards and any growth damaged by late frost. Apply a 10cm (4in) deep layer of farmyard manure over the root area.

Ripe figBe careful with the white sap that oozes out when a branch is pruned since some people are allergic to it.

When the fruit starts to swell give the tree a treat by applying a high-potash liquid feed such as tomato fertiliser weekly.

Figs are easily propagated by layering… bend a suitably low branch to the ground and where it meets the soil cut part way through the stem. Loosen the soil and add compost. Peg the branch down using U-shaped pins and bend wires either side of the wounded area. Cover with more soil, water the ground and place a flat stone on top. Within 12 months you’ll have a well-rooted large layer. Cut the branch on the tree side and pot up or plant out your new fig tree.

Alternatively place 15cm to 20cm (6in to 8in) cuttings in a pot and they should root in a few weeks.


A fig is ripe when soft and drooping down from the branch. Very ripe fruit are prone to splitting and will sometimes produce drops of sweet nectar; these need eating right away. Don’t pick until ripe… fruit won’t ripen off the tree.

Figs should be eaten fresh, but you can store them for about two weeks in a cool dry place, Don’t put them in the fridge. If the summer is hot and dry you can try drying figs in the sun. This will take about five days. Dried figs should be stored in a jar and will keep for up to eight months.


Honey roasted fig and almond tart

Figs with prosciutto

Roasted figs with mascarpone and honey

Cracked black pepper and figgy bread

Fig and blue cheese tart

Marinated fig and mozzarella salad

Common problems

Figs are generally problem free and one of the easiest fruit trees to grow, here are the most common problems...

  • Birds love ripe figs too. If this is a problem and your tree is small, cover it with netting. If too large for this put bags over fruit close to ripening.
  • Nematodes are worms that infect the roots of fig trees, causing them to swell. This prevents the tree from absorbing the necessary nutrients from the ground and can be fatal to the tree. Extra water and mulch can help, but to avoid the problem try and ensure you don’t purchase a diseased plant. You can also test your soil to ensure that it is free of nematodes.


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